The IMG Experience: Accounts of an International Medical Student

little dog in medical uniform in light studio as international medical student blog mascot.

Deciding to become an International Medical Student at a school, such as Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, can be a big leap of faith. There is a big stigma behind going to an international school and an even bigger fearmongering rumor that International Medical Graduates (IMG) won’t be able to match in the USA.

But I have met those IMG doctors, talked to those alumni residents, and researched what needs to be done to successfully Match and pursue a US career in medicine. From what I gather, work ethic, passion, and networking are your best friends when faced with the obstacle of being an IMG.

Now, have I successfully become a physician?

No, I’ve barely just started. But I am prepared to do and share what needs to be done to make that dream a reality for myself and for others.

So, who am I and what is this website about?

I am a Texan Native with an intense interest in Emergency Medicine and Global Health.  Before coming to UAG, I realized that it was really hard to find secondary information about UAG’s Medical Program. I want to provide some written content and resources about moving to Mexico,  life in Guadalajara during the didactic years, clinical rotations, The Match and what happens thereafter.

Of course, this blog will be unraveling as I continue my pursuit to become a doctor, but I hope it becomes an informational resource for those who are thinking about attending UAG or any other international medical school.

For my fellow and prospective Teco’s, Many of us here at UAG want to change the dynamic with current students and alumni. We want to establish and expand the UAG alumni network to provide support and success stories for current and prospective students. Hopefully, this blog can act as a supplement to the efforts many students and alumni are putting in to build that network.

So read on, learn, comment, share and most importantly, enjoy what life has to offer. Good Luck in all that you do!

medical stethoscope and mask composed with red foiled chocolate hearts

Be like the stem cell, differentiate yourself from others.


Want to see what i’m doing on study breaks?

Follow me @theimgex !