Pt 2: Begin the Application for ECFMG Certification 


Welcome to Part 2 of the ECFMG Series.

Now that you have your ECFMG Number, you can officially apply for ECFMG Certification. This is the first step in the long, arduous ECFMG journey.

Unfortunately, you MUST start now to officially become an ECFMG candidate and register for your USMLEs on time (Step 1 after second year and so on).

Apply through the Interactive Web Applications (IWA) Portal:

This process is where the IWA portal will be used. The OASIS portal is not required in this step except to check your application status at the end.

Navigate to the ECFMG Website and click “On-line Services”.

On the following page, Click “For Physicians”.

Finally, Click on “Use the Interactive Web Applications (IWA) to:”.

You will be taken to the Log-in Page for the IWA website. Log in with the same information set up for your OASIS account. 

Note the IWA links on the left! This page is DIFFERENT from the original OASIS sign in page you used to get your ECFMG number.

Once signed in, you land on the following page. Click “Submit an Application for ECFMG Certification”...

… and “Begin”!

At this point you will need to fill out all of your information.

This includes:

  • Name
  • Birthday
  • Gender
  • E-mail Address
  • Medical Education Status
  • ECFMG certification (check box affirmation)
  • Release of Legal Claims, Waiver of Liability, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Statement (Check box affirmation)
  • Release of Information Authorization (Check box affirmation)
  • Privacy Notice (Check box affirmation)
  • Certification (Check box affirmation)

For more information on each section click here.

Continue to the next page and you will be prompted to pay. The rate for 2022 was $160 USD but don’t be surprised if this number is different when you apply. The price is adjusted from year to year.

After payment is processed, you will be taken to the confirmation page.

Click “Certification of Identification Form (Form 186)”. The document should be prefilled with your information!

It will look as follows:

*Download & Save the form 186* 

This is a necessary document for the next step!

You can also download a copy of the on-line part of your Application for ECFMG Certification if you would like to keep it for your records.

And voila, this part of the application is complete!

To double check your application status, you can sign in to the OASIS platform and click on the tab “Application For ECFMG Certification Information”. This tab should now be filled out and your “Processing Status:” should say “Waiting for Certification of Identification Form”.

*NOTE: IF you lose your download of the Form 186, then you can find access to the form on the IWA platform. Sign in and a link to the PDF will be located on the main page. 

Now, it’s time for Part 3: Notary Cam and ECFMG Application Finalization (Coming Soon)