The Solicitude de Trámite en línea (AKA Pieza) is one of a few documents necessary for the exchange of a Mexican Visa (located in one’s passport) for a Temporary Student Resident Card. The form is filled out online and results in a 3-page document that must be printed.
Follow these steps to fill out the Solicitude de Trámite en línea correctly.
Click HERE to go to the online ”Trámite” form.
Section 1: “Tipo de trámite”
Under “¿Qué deseas hacer?*.” select “Canjear o reponer documento migratorio”.
Under “Especifica*:” select “Canje de FMM por Tarjeta de Visitante o de Residente”.
Section 2: “Datos del extranjero (conforme a pasaporte o documento de identidad)”
The easiest document of identification to use is your Passport. Make sure the information you put in this section (and every section hereafter) matches exactly what is on your Passport.
DO NOT check the box “Conozco mi NUE”.
DO NOT fill the box “Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP):”.
*For Puerto Rican students, note the following for this section:
– “Nacionalidad actual*:” Estadounidense (Puerto Rico)
Section 3: “Lugar de nacimiento”
Use the Country and State/Province/Department listed on your Passport.
*For Puerto Rican students note the following for this section:
– “País de nacimiento*:” Estados Unidos de América
– “Estado, provincia o departamento*:” Puerto Rico
Section 4: “Pasaporte o documento con el que se identifica el extranjero”
Use your passport as the document of identification. Make sure all information matches exactly as it is written on the Passport. They will double check the information at your appointment to make sure the information matches.
*For Puerto Rican students note the following for this section:
– “País de expedición*:” Estados Unidos de América
Section 5: “Domicilio del extranjero en México”
Fill out your full address information. Número interior, Lada, & Teléfono fijo are NOT required fields. However, if you have an apartment number, go ahead and put that in the box “Número interior”.
Section 6: “Correo electrónico para notificar al promovente”
Use an e-mail that you will check regularly. It does not necessarily have to be your school e-mail. This is your confirmation e-mail destination.
Section 7: “En su caso, persona autorizada para tramitar, oír o recibir notificaciones”
It is best that you handle the required paperwork and actions yourself. Leave this section blank.
Section 8: “Comentarios”
List all of the attached documents you will have in your packet.
- FMM Original
- Copia de FMM (ambos lados)
- Copia de página principal de Pasaporte
- Copia de Visa Mexicana estampada
- Solicitude de Trámite en línea
- Constancia de Estudios
- Formato Basico
- Carta Canje
- Aviso de Tratamiento de Datos Personales y Notification Electronica
Review all of your information. Make any corrections if necessary then click “Guardar”
Confirm you want to submit the information and the following page will pop up.
Take note of your “número de pieza” (Just in case).
Click “Imprimir ahora” to print and/or save the document. The printed version will be 3 pages long and the last page will have a section for your signature.
Review the document to ensure your information is correct and sign with BLUE INK! (This is required with all official documents in Mexico.)
Return to the post How to “Exchange” your Mexican Visa into your Temporary Student Resident Card to finish the “exchange” process.